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Old 10-29-2013, 02:14 PM   #738
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: North Carolina
While I certainly get the logic behind the theory that a team should either be a top-five contender or actively tanking, I must say that I am happy that the Pelicans have decided to make a push this season. Sure, they are not going to win the championship.n1. But they have a player that they hope becomes a superstar in Davis. Isn't it better for him to be getting experience in close games against good teams? Isn't it good that he might get playoff experience, even as an 8 seed? And New Orleans is not really a basketball town. The fans will not keep coming to see a 20 win team. If you want to build up the fan base, you need to create a bandwagon effect to get people excited to come to the games--then hope that it becomes a habit.

As for the rest of the league, I think that Miami will three-peat. The winning streak last year showed me that they are mentally tough enough to deal with the grind, and they want to go down as one of the all-time teams.

I see the Clips coming out of the West. I think that OKC is a disappointment this season.

n1. Or, let's say that it is very very unlikely. I am reminded of the words of Moe Szyslak, "That sniper at the All-Star game was a blessing in disguise."
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