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Old 01-14-2014, 06:26 PM   #215
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Originally Posted by kcchief19 View Post
That article is very ill-informed. The point of the one-canon approach to Star Wars is not to cut massive parts of the Expanded Universe but to promote EU material to official canon status on par with the movies.

For EU geeks such as myself, Lucas always made it clear that the movies were canon and anything else was not. Between Lucasfilm, the publishers and the fan base, there developed multiple levels of the official storyline. The movies supersede the novelizations, the novelizations supersede the NPR radio dramas, the radio dramas supersede adult fiction, adult fiction supersedes children's fiction and so on and so forth.

Now there will just be on official story line with other material left out -- attributed to "misinterpretations by historians" or other such nonsense. The goal does not appear to be to hack away at the Expanded Universe but simply to make as much canon as makes sense.

What gets cut will be the embarrassing ("The Star Wars Holiday Special" will not be canon) or the contradictory (Boba Fett: Dead or Alive).

My guess is that the business decision of Disney is curtail the availability of older Star Wars material in favor of the new movies, books, tv shows and whatever else they have up their sleeve. There's still a lot of Star Wars material out there in the marketplace, and that's competition for their new works.

The other theory is that they are simply effecting to remove whatever material conflicts with Episodes 7-9. The catch is that they have two huge issues to deal with. The first are the Thrawn trilogy -- everything that comes after that trilogy extends to everything that comes after. You can't really touch that series without damaging the rest of the series. The second issue is the Yuzhaan Vong series. That was the series that brought the fans back to the EU and is generally considered the best work since the Thrawn trilogy.

But if you don't touch those pieces, you have a Star Wars universe that Disney may not want play in. With Hidalgo and Chee involved, I can't believe they are are going to throw out 80% of the EU. But are they going to live with a bunch of characters killed off in the EU? Maybe not.

That could be true but they mention Disney trying to clear the way for Kasdan to pen the scripts for the next movies without having to worry about EU since he has little knowledge of its material. I frankly could care less and am just glad we wll get three more films in the SW universe.
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