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Old 01-19-2014, 01:26 PM   #215
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
2069 Election

India Rakes is required to step aside for a term, leaving Herbert Duling as the expected, prohibitive favorite. Rakes will take over as Governor of Earth for the next tour in a supporting role. Duling's health has not significantly improved, and at 55 the possibility that he could be forced into retirement at any time is a very real issue.

Additionally, the remaining members of the original contingent at SPACE HQ, Terrence Forson and Jayson Riese, both are retiring at age 65 and struggling health. This leaves the agency with just a single spare candidate. Forson was a long-time contributor to important positions such as Mars and Sedna before through the mid-50s, while Riese spent most of his career watching from the sidelines, his highlight an 8-month tour as interim director in '36.

While the other 27 administrators remain in service, health is an major issue for many including almost all of those on the final ballot. Alberto Eighmy continues to be a prime example, as the Governor of Mars has skills second only to Duling but is in very poor health that has not improved over time. Delois Woznicki is still very talented and still has not learned how to manage on a large scale.

This leaves only Mercury's governor, Jarrett Hugh, and Eighmy as realistic challengers to Duling. The final ballot features a total of seven names this year. Duling's brand appears to have shattered. While once he couldn't put a foot wrong politically, he had a very poor campaign this year and the ailing Eighmy made a serious run at the Directorship. Last election's surprise third-place finisher Larry Steckel had a brilliant, near-perfect campaign, but still doesn't have the base of power to seriously threaten the top challengers.

Faced with only very flawed choices, 248 million electors chose as first-time Director the ailing 44-year-old Alberto Eighmy, with a thin margin over Duling of 17.6% to 16.9%. It is the smallest plurality that a winning candidate has ever received, and Eighmy's directorship is anticipated to be a shaky thing on multiple fronts. Duling is headed to Mars, where he will attempt to find some way to recover from consecutive close defeats in the last two elections. The rest of the results:

Larry Steckel(15.7%) -- Luna
Jarrett Hugh(15.0%) -- Titan
James Earl Jones V(13.9%) -- Venus
Burt Stonerock(10.7%) -- Mercury
Riley Awad(10.2%) -- Io

Hugh and Awad are both in good health, and their showings were extremely disappointing. The larger question to come out of this election is the vital need for more qualified administrators, as health and aging issues become more pressing with each passing year and the electorate clearly could not rally behind any one candidate.

Policy Review

Although most of the branches would do fine without it, an academy expansion is ordered from three to four in order to up the search for new qualified administrators. Beyond that though, there are no changes made. Under the circumstances, Eighmy needs only to survive(physically) his term for it to be labeled a success.
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