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Old 02-11-2014, 04:08 PM   #463
CU Tiger
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Backwoods, SC
Hmmm I'm trying to make a point here without someone mistakenly thinking my opinion is the one shining through. That disclaimer aside.

We have to remember the NFL as a subset of society is going to score considerably lower on the tolerance and diversity scale than your average walk of life. This is an arena where "fag" is still a common and ultimate insult. Machismo is in abundance. Look no further than the recently released MArtin and Incognito text messages and try to overlay that culture with and openly homosexual team who is already not accepted because he is a rookie coming in to take a vet's job. I think ultimately Sam is going to face internal ridicule, like it or not. The question will be whether he is mentally tough enough to endure and prove his worth.

I think the plight would be much less on an established vet coming out than it is on an unproven rookie.
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