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Old 03-13-2014, 01:42 PM   #1945
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Methinks Radii is going to beat me to 300. Looking good!

As for me, my update is a day late but uses my weight from yesterday, I had one of those fun double-shifts so didn't bother posting.

Weigh-In: 309.9(-2.4 lbs., -29.7 total)

Under 310 for the first time in over two years! I also invested in a couple pairs of size-40s which I'm just about ready to start using, got going on some stretching for flexibility, and I've almost completely eliminated pop so it's been a good week.

That was, until Tuesday when I started getting sick. The workload is starting to decrease beginning this week overall, so I wanted to start transitioning into doing some core exercises but that's on hold now until I get healthy again. For now, it's lots of rest, liquids, and Airborne.
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