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Old 04-30-2014, 01:14 AM   #250
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006

It was a year of industrial transition on Earth, beginning with the completion of a mass driver in February to replace the one sent to the new outpost on Halley's Comet. Mine production and work on the Alaska bases increased, and would increase again in late April when the components for the Titan base were completed.

March brought a number of important developments on the research front, including the retirement of one of the agency's original scientists, Dr. Brandon Grimmett. At 70 years old and in poor health, it was an easy decision. The early part of his career was spent in leading one of the ground-based geology survey teams in the exploration and exploitation of Sol('37-'48), after which he became a leading Logistics researcher, contributing many vital components for ship construction as well as modernization of ground forces. Another of the original minds that formed the initial research community at SPACE's formation, his retirement continues the process of handing the reigns to the next generation.

Two of the three elite Logistics scientists that made it the strongest research field for decades have now retired: only Cedrick Wormack(61) and younger, far less skilled researchers remain.

Aside from shipping the components and minerals needed for the new base to Titan in late April and May, there was not much news in the late spring and summer. Fall passed as well, until a November shakeup in the navy's power structure provided the first bit of hard news in several months. Veteran Cpt. Tell Perj Jr. became the fifth active admiral, a new high, on the 5th. Just two days later, the overall #2 in command, Chong Vaugh, was forced into medical retirement a little over a year ahead of schedule. Then about three weeks later, just before the end of the month, 28-year-old rising star Parker Lanzi brought the number back up to five again.

Such things would often just be footnotes, but given the slowness of the year more than usual was made of them. In the final week of the year, as all eyes were on the preparations for the upcoming festival, the launching of a third Nimitz-class missile boat went virtually unnoticed ...


** Jan. 26 -- Third-gen. commercial grav sensors(Alphonse Lambeth) and improved missile tracking(+20%, Elwood Tousant) are completed. All three labs are assigned to Adolfo Walth for work on a new composite material for use in strengthening armor capabilities.

** March 5 -- A surprisingly important day scientifically. Dr. Joe Tycho's team announced new, larger and more powerful laser cannons(15 cm focal size). This would have been enough, but top sensors scientist Julio Kuchler announced a breakthrough(55% expertise), AND a new, much-needed power & propulsion researcher joined the fray. Already serviceable with a 15% skill, Alejandro Otteson immediately becomes a potential contributor. Tycho will spend a couple of months hammering together a usable blueprint for the next UBOS laser prototype, while Otteson gets an immediate project, horribly understaffed, to work on improving reactor power output.

** March 19 -- Brandon Grimmett's team completes a more efficient fuel storage tank for very large ships. Each of the massive tanks can hold 5m liters in the same space but using just over half the boronide required for five 1m-liter tanks.

Elwood Tousant begins the next generation of theoretical sensor improvement, beginning with the passive thermals. He'll take two labs for the project and will require at least one more -- considerable investment is needed to improve existing capabilities at this point as all the easy advances have already been made.

** April 23 -- Tousant claims the latest lab complex to be completed, bringing his project up to full funding.

** May 3 -- Foundational work on a 15cm Meson Cannon to match the new lasers is completed by Eva Vadnais. She'll turn her attention to a better microwave weapon while capacitor and focusing technology continues to be developed by others for the next generation of weaponry. A second lab is taken by Alphonse Lambeth for work on improving effectiveness of ground units.

** May 5 -- Joe Tycho finishes work on the new laser cannon, only to discover that a new round of research will be necessary once new capacitors are finished to allow for a faster firing rate. The last couple months were basically a waste of his time, to no small amount of annoyance.

He'll get basic foundational work done on improving turret gearing, a fairly long-term project which there is not space to fully fund at this time.

** June 5 -- Reynaldo Darrington's research team has completed plans for improving the number of ships that can transit with a single jump engine from 3 to 4(including the jump ship itself). Two projects that were a lab short are reinforced, and Darrington gets a make-work job looking into jump engine minituraization.

** September 30 -- Edward Groat's team finishes the Sentinel 400, the latest advancement in active sensors for the jump point detection ships. The new Forrestal III class will have improved armor and twice the sensor range for a slight size increase(650t) and a 19% cost increase to over 95k. Groat will take over work on the composite armour project, and Otteson's work on reactor power improvements gets a boost with a second lab.

** October 13 -- Rosemary Urenda's team has improved capacitors to allow recharging at a rate 50% better than existing technology. She'll next turn her attention to working on increasing fuel efficiency.


March 3 -- Two mobile infantry battalions are ready for service.

April 27 -- The Alaska components for Titan have been completed. Needless to say it is a massive project: more than half of the freighters, five in all, will be required to transport it, with a sixth taking the required minerals to be used in the assembly process. Meanwhile, mine construction is further accelerated to about nine per year, and addition funding goes to the last Earth-based Alaska base as well. Initial estimates are that even once all seven brigades are transported to Titan, assembling the base will take over four years.

Late May -- Earth's population reaches 1.4 billion.

Mid-July -- The newest Brigade HQ is ready on earth and the training facilities fall silent, as the officer corps needs to grow before new units can be accomodated.


Early May -- Curtis Gloster, the heir apparent to Palmer in the Construction & Production field, increases his skill to 45%.

Early October -- Lt. Cmdr. Chance Perj has learned a bit about crew training(25).

Late Dec -- James Earl Jones V ups shipbuilding to 55%. Too bad that by far the greatest mind in the agency in terms of building ships never has had the chance to actually supervise such operations.


Mid-November -- The Tennessee base is finished on Triton, and the construction brigades there(four of them) will soon depart for Titan and their greatest off-world task: assembly of the Alaska there.
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