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Old 05-02-2014, 04:11 PM   #52
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2004
Thursday, Week 2, March 2014

SWF Presents Uprising

Pre Show

Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Enforcer Roberts by pinfall following the Bumfhole in One.
Time: 8:12
Rating: 77/B

Main Show

Uprising begins with Robbie Retro standing in the ring. He says that he knows that Squeeky McClean is in the building tonight and he would like him to come out. McClean makes his way to the ring. Once he’s in the ring, McClean immediately begins to laugh at Retro for his loss on Supreme TV. McClean sarcastically tells Retro that he really showed him how it was done on Supreme TV. Retro responds and gets in a few puns and the crowd has a few laughs at McClean’s expense. Eventually the two agree that words probably won't be able to solve anything and they agree to meet in a match at Awesome Impact.
Time: 7:44
Rating: 58/C-

American Machine defeated Hugh de Aske by pinfall following Old Glory.
Time: 3:06
Rating: 44/D

Following a commercial break, Eric Eisen is sitting in his office in the back when Primus Allen knocks on the door and enters the room. He tells Eisen that he came to the SWF to make a huge impact. Primus Allen is a name that will strike fear when anyone sees they have to face him in a match. People will leave the arena when they see their name across from Primus Allen. He tells Eric that all he is looking for is a chance, and if Eric has a little faith in him, he will repay it by smashing everyone in his way. Eric tells him that talk is cheap. He thinks that Allen may have gotten by on his shear size alone in the past, but in the Supreme Wrestling Federation there have been many men his size come and go. They just couldn’t cut it and he wants to know why Allen thinks he has what it takes to succeed here. Allen says that he is the most powerful man the Supreme Wrestling Federation has ever seen. Eisen says he would love to take his word for it, but this isn't the first time anyone has made that claim. He says Allen will have to prove it and he can start tonight in a match against Marshall Dillon.
Time: 5:59
Rating: 80/B

Primus Allen defeated Marshall Dillon by pinfall following the Running Powerslam.
Time: 0:32
Rating: 29/E
Notes: Marshall Dillon was really off his game tonight. I wonder if this had anything to do with him finding out he was booked to lose a thirty-two second squash match to a new guy tonight? I need to fix Primus Allen’s momentum. He is definitely a guy who has the potential to be a big player around here. He’s a larger, much more physically intimidating version of Des Davids, with better camera skills. Like Davids’, he is shockingly athletic and has a history as a football player. There probably isn’t anyone his size, 300lb+, that moves as well as he does in the entire world of professional wrestling.

The Awesomeness defeated The Platinum Blondes by pinfall when Huey Cannonball pinned James Prudence following the Cannonball Run.
Time: 7:40
Rating: 65/C

TV Rating: 0.96
Originally Posted by McSweeny
Because you know it takes sound strategy to get killed repeatedly on day one right?
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