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Old 05-10-2014, 08:44 PM   #5
Greyfriars Bobby
College Prospect
Join Date: Sep 2013
Now, let's meet the players who are most likely to have an impact for us on defence this season.

Each player's strengths and weaknesses are listed in reference to his best role.

Stuart Cattell D(C)
Age: 23 Height: 6'3" Weight: 198
Best Role: Limited Defender/Defend duty
Current Ability: 5.0 stars
Potential Ability: 5.0 stars
Strengths: Jumping 11, Positioning 10, Marking 10, Determination 10
Weaknesses: Strength 4, Tackling 6
Our staff thinks Stuart should be a star in the HPL, and we need him to be just that. He can play in the centre midfield, too, where his skills as a team player can be useful.

Tony Beattie D(C), D(RL)
Age: 24 Height: 6'2" Weight: 189
Best Role as D(L): Full Back/Defend duty
Current Ability: 5.0 stars
Potential Ability: 5.0 stars
Strengths: Work Rate 13, Teamwork 12, Tackling 11
Weaknesses: Marking 5, Concentration 5, Anticipation 5
I'm going to play Tony on the left side, even though he's better in the middle, because he's miles better than any of the other guys who can play D(L). There's quite a bit to like here.

Cameron Woolsey D(R), D(L)
Age: 22 Height: 6'0" Weight: 185
Best Role as D(R): Full Back/Attack duty
Current Ability: 5.0 stars
Potential Ability: 5.0 stars
Strengths: Tacking 11, Work Rate 10, Teamwork 10, Marking 9
Weaknesses: Off the Ball 3, Crossing 3, Dribbling 4
For a guy who is supposedly able to push up and help the attack, Cameron doesn't show much in terms of offensive talent. We might use him in a more defensive role. He does rate a 12 for Flair, which might mean he tries flashy moves that he can't pull off because of his technical problems.

Anthony Lewis D(C), D(L)
Age: 16 Height: 5'11" Weight: 163
Best Role as D(C): Limited Defender/Stopper duty
Current Ability: 5.0 stars
Potential Ability: 5.0 stars
Strengths: Bravery 13, Jumping 11, Tackling 11
Weaknesses: Strength 5
Anthony is our resident wonderkid. He needs to add strength, but that will come as he grows up. I can only hope he's in a Wantage Town kit for a long time.

Grant Shaw D(C), D(L)
Age: 27 Height: 5'10" Weight: 174
Best Role as D(C): Limited Defender/Stopper duty
Current Ability: 0.5 stars
Potential Ability: 0.5 stars
Strengths: Determination 11, Bravery 10
Weaknesses: Heading 2, Marking 4, Strength 4, Tackling 5
I wouldn't feature Grant at all, except for the fact that he is a consummate leader. His Influence rates at 20, and his Determination 16. There appear to be few players in the world with Grant's ability as a leader, such as John Terry of Chelsea, Phil Neville of Everton, and Steven Gerrard of Liverpool. How weird would it be for your captain to seldom ever see the pitch?

Also keep an eye on: Colin Cooper, a 17-year-old left back with very good physical attributes, budding leadership skills, and 5.0-star potential.

Overall analysis: If Andrew Randall is right, we can start four five-star guys along our back row. I hope he's right, because if he is, our goalkeepers' jobs will be significantly easier.

Last edited by Greyfriars Bobby : 05-11-2014 at 02:01 PM.
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