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Old 06-17-2014, 06:42 AM   #1917
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Chicagoland
Originally Posted by RainMaker View Post
Aren't the portion of the books the TV show is coming up on incredibly boring? I keep hearing that after this season the show might have issues finding interesting plots.

IMO, the show has just come to the point in the books where I feel a lot of the "initial" plotlines have wound up. What happens next is some new plotlines start and some existing ones take another step, but in both cases there's quite a bit of non-action "start-up" that has to happen, and because there are so many, this takes quite a bit of time. So this is why a lot of people say this next section (in the books) drags.

The other thing that happens is that the variety in the type of plotlines (i.e. the type of action or non-action that's happening) somewhat increases, with the result that most people only like some, not most, and so on top of the endless set-up/exposition, you have some plotlines you just don't care about at all.

Having said that, there's still plenty of stuff there and the show writers have, IMO, tended to do a good job of cutting the boring stuff and, when necessary, doing things somewhat differently to make it more interesting.

I actually think the chief problem they're going to have next season is not so much cutting the boring parts, but deciding which of the even greater (than you've seen so far) number of plotlines they actually decide to keep. To date, some that they've chosen not to film have been, IMO, good choices.

And that's about all I can say without spoiling things.
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