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Old 08-12-2014, 10:41 PM   #107
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Sydney, Australia
Originally Posted by molson View Post
"Executed" presumes guilt, does it not?

Your best case scenario expressed above, (police shooting someone running away) is not necessarily accurate either. That's just an expression of your own bias. Edit: I think it's the scenario a lot of people are desperately rooting for here (along with a white cop with a mustache), because the most important thing to people with that bias is fuel for that bias. Both the kid's friend's scenario and the rumored cop-friendly scenario reported by panerd above sound pretty extreme. Either could be true, something in the middle is probably more likely.

I don't think it's an expression of my own bias. If he was unarmed and fleeing, then I guess I do have a bias against a cop taking justice into his own hands, but I'm basing my judgement on the version of events that has come out. The police version of events at this stage hasn't negated that point. If they do, then so be it. Otherwise, the police officer executed an unarmed suspect. Regardless of what happened before that.

Maybe there's a very good reason why they haven't released more information at this stage, but assuming the police version is more or less correct, some transparency here would seem to do the world of good.

Maybe my bias too, but excluding media (to the point of no-fly-zones even) from a protest area really rubs me the wrong way. Not something I like to see in a country like the US.
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--Ambrose Bierce

Last edited by Groundhog : 08-12-2014 at 10:46 PM.
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