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Old 08-20-2014, 10:47 PM   #825
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally Posted by nol View Post
No, the evidence is the evidence. I'm already assuming the most cop-friendly position where the anonymously-sourced report from the St. Louis police department is true and Darren Wilson suffered an orbital blowout fracture.

What I'm saying is that it's entirely consistent for someone to have minor bruises and swelling that don't require immediate medical attention while also having a broken bone. Conversely, it would be incredibly easy to put a spin on that information and convince a dumb person (aka a potential juror) that an orbital blowout fracture is a big, scary life-threatening injury (Whoa, a broken skull!) that demands a lethal escalation of force when it isn't even close. In fact, you could probably argue that in court without having to provide a definitive answer about whether the orbital fracture was the result of an unprovoked attack or self-defense.

An orbital bone fracture CAN be a big, scary deal. Not life threatening, no, but incredibly traumatic. Depending on the severity, it can cause near instant blindness in the eye or double vision. The only orbital bone fracture I've seen in person knocked the guy out and sent him to the hospital for 2 full days. (TKD tourney, a kick that landed right under the left eye)

I'm not saying the cop was in the right, I'm not saying the 18 year old deserved to die, I'm not saying this makes it an open and shut case. (Nor am I saying that Brown was in the right and the cop is a racist murderer)

We now have two sides of this story. One side saying it was the execution of a black kid in the street and the other stating the black kid attacked a cop, walked away and then charged the cop before getting hit.

I don't buy #1 and never have. #2 is much more likely, but probably doesn't state the entire story either.

Looks to me like both guys were in the wrong place, wrong time:

Kid robs store, walks in middle of street with friend.
Cop pulls up and tells kid to get out of street. Kid in a nervous state due to seeing a cop so shortly after robbing a store gets aggressive and throws a punch. A struggle ensues, more punches, the cop get drilled in the eye.

Kid turns and tries to get away. Cop pulls gun, tells him to stop. Kid turns around "What are you going to do, shoot me?" Takes step forward. Cop with blurred vision and addrenaline unloads the gun wildly. Kid dies.

I'm sure tomorrow more evidence will come out with different "facts" It's why RainMaker is right. Wait until they all come out before acting like the answer has already been given. If the story is accurate that the cops have 12 witnesses, the cop who fired the shots was hit hard enough to break bones in his face, and the already poor testimony of the "friend" falling apart. (All three main witnesses put forth in the media as friends of Brown say he was shot from behind and the cop was "trying to pull him in the police cruiser" He wasn't shot from behind and it's pretty psychotic to think that Wilson would have tried to throw Brown inside the care while sitting at the steering wheel. That pretty much defies explanation.

The people who want the cop to go to jail need some more evidence to turn their way and fast. Note: if the cop started, escalated and then shot Michael Brown, he should spend a long time in jail. I am not picking sides and haven't posted in this thread before now. Make no mistake, if the police show Wilson looking like Rocky Balboa after a fight, that IS the game changer as far as a conviction goes.
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