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Old 08-23-2014, 11:09 AM   #13478
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Midwest
Originally Posted by JonInMiddleGA View Post
Relax. Once you get past people looking up & yelling at you when you make a mistake (and you will, eventually, trust me) it's easy peazy

Just find a rhythm & style that suits you AND suits the school/area, then try to stay inside those two lines.

Also, limit your coffee & other fluid intake beforehand and at halftime. Bathroom breaks can be tough to find. You'd be surprised how many people realize they have an announcement that desperately needs to be made rightthissecond as soon as the half ends & you head toward the door to go potty.

Thanks for the advice. It was an interesting night. Huge storm sprang up an hour before the game. Fried one of the speakers and the scoreboard operation (both under a tent on the media platform) So I was down to one speaker and it had horrible feedback. You could only hear it on my side of the field between the 20s. I let that get to me early, but I felt like the 2nd half I got more comfortable with making the calls and got a good rhythm going. And yeah, no restroom break for the duration of the game. It was fun and it helped the home team won.
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