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Old 09-27-2014, 02:02 PM   #5
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Lisboa, ME
November 1448
King Durad has ordered Oltenia to be cored. The process is expected to take one year.

Serbia has entered a royal marriage with Austria, hoping to eschew a potential military alliance with the powerful kingdom.

The mission to create a proper fleet has been completed. The country gains 5 navy tradition and 5 prestige. The three new barques have been sent to protect trade in the Constantinople node.

Current Mission: Conquer Ragusa
Serbia must recover the lands that are rightfully hers!

December 1448
King Durad has declared war on Ragusa. 5,000 troops led by Prince Lazar move toward the coastal province.

January 1449
Serbia has entered a royal marriage with her vassal, Wallachia.

April 1449
Event: Liturgical Reform
The Eastern Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ our lord and his apostles. However, our family is large and diverse. Our patriarch is proposing some reforms to our liturgy that will bring our form closer to the other churches. The idea is bold and will strengthen the Church, but we know that the superstitious and backward will reject this change.

King Durad supports the reform, Serbia gains 5 Patriarchal Authority

August 1449
After 211 days the Siege of Ragusa has been won by Serbian forces.

Peace Talks
In a negotiation between Ragusa and Serbia, Ragusa have accepted the following:

Ragusa will be fully annexed by Serbia.
With the conquest Casus Belli, Serbia gains 2 prestige and suffers 4.6 aggressive expansion.

For completing the mission of conquering Ragusa, Serbia has earned 10 prestige and 15 administrative power.

King Durad has ordered Ragusa to be cored. The process is expected to take one year.

A diplomat has been sent to Austria to improve relations.

Current Mission: Improve Relations with Wallachia
After the war and vassalization of Wallachia, relations with the country have suffered. A diplomat will be sent there to bring relations up to 100.

Ragusa is an important capture for Serbia. Despite being a Catholic province in an otherwise Orthodox Serbia, it is a minor trade node on the Adriatic Sea that is now under King Durad's control. It is a small step in the line of creating a trade network, but it is a step nonetheless.

Here are the Serbian lands, just a shade under five years into the proceedings. Remember that the three remaining Bosnian provinces to the west and Wallachia to the east are all vassals under Serbian rule.
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