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Old 09-27-2014, 08:04 PM   #8
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Lisboa, ME
May 1452
Event: The Non-Possessor Movement
The Church is a large landowner and this has brought a great deal of wealth to the Church. The non-possessers claim that the Church is being corrupted by this great wealth. Their opponents argue that the Church needs this wealth to carry out its holy mission. The key thing is the Church isn't really a big taxpayer, if it was forced to give its land it away it would move it into the hands of people Serbia can tax. The downside would be the Church would have less wealth to perform its mission.

King Lazar II decides to support movement. Serbia loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.

September 1452
A fleet of nine Serbian barques is now protecting trade interests in the Constantinople node.

April 1453
Serbia has gained a Trade Protection Casus Belli against Venice. It is unlikely that this will be exercised.

June 1453
Military Technology Advance: Pike Square (4)
Throughout the middle ages cavalry's dominance was being challenged by disciplined pikemen. In battles such as Bannockburn or the Golden Spurs, cavalry was defeated by pikes. A combination of improved training and discipline, and the addition of swordsmen to provide close combat support has raised this formation to the peak of its efficiency.

Bonus Effects:
Military Tactics +0.25
Land Morale Increased by 0.50
Can now build Armory.

An armory has been ordered for construction in the capital province. It will take 12 months.

July 1453
A Call to Arms!
The nation of Austria, Serbia's faithful ally, is requesting that they come to their aid in the Crimean Conquest of Genoa against Crimea and the Ottomans. This is a defensive war in which Serbia must help her ally. Crimea is allied with the Ottomans, Nogai and Aq Qoyunlu.

King Lazar II accepts the call to arms, if merely to keep an ally and placate Austria.

September 1453
The Serbian army is beaten back badly while trying to siege the Ottoman province of Tarnovo.

November 1453
An Heir to the Throne!
Stefan (4/4/6) is the new heir to Lazar II's throne. The succession is safe!

December 1453
A battle at sea is lost to the Ottoman navy and three of Serbia's barques were destroyed in the process.

January 1454
Event: Scandal at the Court
Sometimes a scandal would erupt in the royal court and would upset a monarch to the point where most diplomatic activity would come to a standstill until things quieted down a bit.

King Lazar II decides to bribe an advisor to take the blame at a cost of 18.54 ducats.
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