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Old 09-28-2014, 09:18 AM   #13
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Lisboa, ME
July 1463
Austria has informed the crown that Serbia is no longer relevant to their interests. The subsidies have been canceled.

October 1463
Denmark has accepted peace with Austria. Bremen will cede Stade to Denmark. Austria will end the vassalization of Salzburg.

February 1464
Event: Political Crisis
Political crises may occur from time to time. They often involved a conflict between the ruler and the parliament, unrest among the nobility or conflicts of interest between the nobility and the merchants or religious leaders.

The Regency Council decides that reputation isn't everything. The crown loses 25 Legitimacy.

July 1465
Event: Spy Ring Busted
Some Serbian diplomats have been implicated in a major espionage operation. Never ambassador or emissary sent is suspected of being a spy and is subject to the harshest examinations when they end their appointed missions. It will take some time to restore Serbia's reputation.

Serbia gets 'Suspected Diplomats' until July 1470 resulting in +25% envoy travel time.

February 1466
Event: Improvements in Trade Technology
Serbian merchants have picked up a few new concepts when it comes to handling trade, when they encountered foreign merchants. They think that with some investment to try it out, it will be very beneficial for Serbia in the long run.

Serbia gains .50 inflation and 50 diplomatic power.

June 1466
A Call to Arms!
Austria has requested Serbia join them in the Polish Conquest of Danzig against Poland and Lithuania. This is a defensive war where Serbia is requested to help her ally. Poland is allied with Riga and Mecklenberg.

The Regency Council declines the offer and takes a hit of 25 prestige. It would not be prudent to go to war in support of one ally against another. The military alliance with Austria will be broken.

December 1466
A diplomat has finally been sent to Hungary to claim the province of Slavonia

January 1467
As predicted, the Ottomans have finally declared war on Byzantium. The crown was right not to get into a marriage or alliance with them.

May 1467
Event: State Appointed Lay Members?
If Serbia were to promote and strengthen the powers of the lay members of the Church administration and bring in more state appointments, the nation would bring the Church under central control. The other side of this coin is that the Church's moral standing with the people will be damaged.

The Regency Council has decided to appoint the lay members and loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.

June 1467
Military Technology Advance: Standardized Pikes (5)
A pike is a remarkably simple weapon to make, but to get the full benefit from the use of pikes, it's required for the whole formation to be wielding weapons of similar length and blade.

Bonus Effect:
Combat width increased by 2
Infantry Shock +0.15
Enables Eastern Militia.

As a result, all Eastern Medieval Infantry will now become Eastern Militia.
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