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Old 09-28-2014, 11:18 AM   #17
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Lisboa, ME
November 1471
Construction of Temples have begun in Serbia, Ragusa and Muntenia.

Serbia will hold off on taking a mission, they are all warlike and involve attacking Hungary or Ottomans, wars in which our allies will not involve themselves with currently.

February 1472
Event: Sickness of King
King Stefan III has fallen ill and cannot handle all aspects of ruling Serbia for the time being. How shall this be handled?

Serbia gets 'Powerful Nobles' until February 1482 unless Stefan III dies, giving a 5% boost to production efficiency.

November 1472
Current Mission: The Rival of Our Rival
The rival of Serbia's rival is Bohemia, so they should be Serbia's friend.

It just so happens that a diplomat had been in Bohemia improving relations. A mission of convenience.

February 1473
Military Technology Advance: Arquebus (6)
Although hand cannons had been developed in China in the 12th century and had spread to Europe by the 14th, the weakness of these weapons reduced their battlefield utility. Light and reliable Arquebus was able to displace bow due to three main factors. It had better armor penetration, it was easier to train men to use it, and it did not rely on the strength of the user.

Bonus Effect:
Military Tactics +.25
Combat Width increaded by 2
Infantry Shock +.30
Enables Stratioti Cavalry.

All Eastern Knights have been upgraded to Stratioti Cavalry.

April 1473
A Call to Arms!
The nation of Poland has requested that Serbia come to their aid in the Crimean Conquest of Lithuania against Crimea and Ryazan. This is a defensive war where Crimea is allied to Ottomans, Nogai and Aq Qoyunlu.

King Stefan III declines to aid Poland, fearing for his own land, which must be passed through by the Ottomans to get to Poland.

A temple has been ordered for construction in Dalmatia.

Poland has offered a military alliance even after Serbia declined to join them in war.

May 1473
Event: Liturgical Reform
The Eastern Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ our lord and his apostles. However, our family is large and diverse. Our patriarch is proposing some reforms to our liturgy that will bring our form closer to the other churches. The idea is bold and will strengthen the Church, but we know that the superstitious and backward will reject this change.

King Stefan III supports the reform and Serbia gains 5 Patriarchal Authority.

January 1474
Serbia enters a military alliance with Bohemia.

Mission Complete! The Rival of our Rival. Serbia earns 5 prestige and 25 diplomatic power.

Influence Ideas Advance: State Propaganda
As with a man, a nation's reputation is everything, and the establishment of an official propaganda service will ensure Serbia's good name is not smeared by the lies of her enemies.

Bonus Effect:
Aggressive Expansion Impact -10%

Current Mission: Claim Our Rival's Province, Torontal.

A diplomat has been dispatched to the Hungaran province of Torontal to fabricate a claim.
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