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Old 10-26-2014, 08:28 AM   #128
College Prospect
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Portland, Oregon
Ive never had a problem with any of the aliens (cept worms) at all. They seem to completely ignore my explorers. Do not put explorers on auto tho, they are completely retarded and will get themselves killed quick.

Haven't seen any of the behavior Sack is experiencing (~20 hours play so far). Just manually guide your explorers and avoid nests. But ive been tile adjacent to bugs many times and theyve never initiated attack to my explorers (of course without the quest perk). The bugs will not hunt you down. Once you get your first troops, they handle bugs pretty well. But ive read, you shouldnt kill the aliens right away, as it will make them more aggressive to you. Might be bs, but from what ive seen, it seems to be true.

Anyone have an easy way to cycle/locate troops & workers? The military overview screen is fucking horrible and its a huge pain in the ass to locate fortified troops and intercepting planes. You have to click the troop, close the overview screen, double click its portrait and do what you want. Every single time.

Last edited by chinaski : 10-26-2014 at 08:29 AM.
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