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Old 12-10-2014, 10:35 AM   #351
College Prospect
Join Date: Sep 2010
For some reason, importing a new draft is not clearing the table of registered users. That should be happening, right?

I know I tinkered with the import code, but not in that area, I thought. I actually tracked down a very old import_draft_run (pre FOF7) file and the import code looks the same, there's no "truncate table team" query run. Only:

// Ok, all is well, first let's clear out the existing draft data if ($admin) { $statement = "truncate table pick"; mysql_query($statement); $statement = "truncate table player"; mysql_query($statement); $statement = "truncate table player_comments"; mysql_query($statement); $statement = "truncate table team_player"; mysql_query($statement); $statement = "truncate table player_to_attribute"; mysql_query($statement); $statement = "truncate table team_player_to_attribute"; mysql_query($statement); $statement = "truncate table selection"; mysql_query($statement); $statement = "truncate table bpa"; mysql_query($statement); $statement = "truncate table team_need"; mysql_query($statement); $statement = "truncate table mock_draft"; mysql_query($statement); $col[] = "team_clock_adj = '1'"; $col[] = "team_autopick = '1'"; $col[] = "pick_method_id = '3'"; $col[] = "team_autopick_wait = '30'"; $col[] = "team_email_prefs = '0'"; $col[] = "team_sms_setting = '0'"; $statement = "update team set ".implode(",",$col)." where team_id != '1'"; mysql_query($statement); } else { $statement = "delete from team_player where team_id = '".$login->team_id()."'"; mysql_query($statement); $statement = "delete from team_player_to_attribute where team_id = '".$login->team_id()."'"; mysql_query($statement); }

What could be happening?
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