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Old 01-04-2015, 09:14 PM   #210
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Northern Kentucky
Originally Posted by Blackadar View Post
Four seasons, not five.

12-4, lost SB in 2010
12-4, lost WC in 2011
11-5, lost WC in 2014

All in all, that's not too bad. Many teams would kill for that kind of track record. It's certainly not what everyone wants - everyone wants a SB win ever year - but sheesh. The team goes 49-29 over that span and you want to clean house? Fire Tomlin or Colbert and you won't even get the press release out before they have new jobs.

It was one loss, one that was compounded by your team MVP being out, an offense that couldn't punch the ball in the endzone and going -2 in turnover differential. The Steelers outgained the Ravens by about 100 yards but lost due to poor execution. End of story. It happens.

As others have pointed out, you're grossly overreacting but that's somewhat predictable. You've been doing that for some time. For instance, that ancient defense? There were only two starters over the age of 30 against the Ravens - Harrison (due to injury) and Troy. Everyone else was 30 or under. Doesn't seem ancient to me. The defense wasn't dominant this year, but that was somewhat to be expected as some of the young guys got playing time. Some did well (Tuitt), some didn't (Allen) and quite a few (Shazier, Jones) the jury is still out on mostly due to injuries.

In short, the team made the playoffs and improved by 3 wins. It's not the ideal season, but it was a damn good one.

The Confederacy lost, it is time to dismantle it.
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