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Old 02-01-2015, 02:49 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post

Like, it's easier to spot here in thread, but overall, "yes." The Marvel shows seem to have people who watch both of them, but the DC shows, it seems like most people watch one or two of the three. I haven't talked to anybody yet who watches Gotham, Arrow AND Flash.

Yeah, Flash seems to have hit the ground running (er, no pun intended). Oliver Queen took longer to figure out what the hell he was doing in Arrow.

I'm still trying to catch up on the early-season episodes of Flash, which I missed.

I've been watching Arrow, Flash, Gotham, SHIELD, Carter and Constantine. So far Gotham and Constantine are the weakest/most likely for me to drop from the rotation, but the rest I've found quite enjoyable. I'm curious/fearful of how long Flash can go with weekly villains and not have many duds (like the "cross the streams" ridiculousness).

Quite a few that I play hockey with have been watching them as well (except for Constantine) and most seem to prefer SHIELD and Arrow to the Flash while Gotham is the least liked/already dropped by a few.
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