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Old 02-26-2015, 08:21 PM   #2542
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Surfside Beach,SC USA
Okay JAG and Britrock listen up please

The new way the sheriff orders work is that I can suggest an order that I would like you to do for us, with whom I might want to apply it to, you then have to send in the order to EF (via PM) with whom you personally want the order to apply to. if you choose someone different, please tell me after the deadline so I know. I trust you judgment by now on this. or if you have info I don't know about yet. Here's the first two orders I have for you:

1. Britrock-please choose someone to guard tonight. Maybe one of the vote-getters? Up to you to decide.

2. JAG-you get the new order available to us-scan. You can scan and find out things about your target. please wait until I tell you what you found out. I would think that someone who spoke out against me who be a good target, or one of the lead vote-getters. It is your decision however.

Both must PM EF this before deadline
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