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Old 03-06-2015, 01:53 AM   #25
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
I am informed by PFC Benton Gale that she wishes to tempt the RNG and go with the random class selection. And so the results are ...

Infantry. Congratulations on your promotion! Condolences on the fact that you weren't able to roll a more appropriate class. But hey, you did make it up one level, and infantry are always in high demand -- but more so if they can hit something. SPEC Benton Gale now has the following attributes:

Health: 4(+1)
Will: 48(+4)
Aim: 60(+2)

Another very 'meh' promotion gain, though somewhat better than the other one. The rest of you soldiers really need to step it up. XCOM needs better than this. In NPC news, Su-Min Kim got solid improvements in becoming the first Assault, Naomi Foster proceeded even more cruddily that our pair of heroes in initiating the Engineer class, and despite her gaudy number of kills, Lily Brodie's talents were seen fit to start off as a Medic. A massive will increase(+9) in her case solidified her place as a person of extreme interest.

Scout, Sniper, and Rocketeer classes remain empty at this juncture.

Here's your new appearance, Specialist Gale, decked out in infantry blue:

There are pair of new weapons that you can technically use. I say technically, because you won't actually be using them anytime soon.

Battle Rifle -- Long range, 2-8 dam., 15% crit(8-13), 4 bursts, -15 aim, -1 mobility. A heavy assault rifle variant, the battle rifle can only be used effectively by an elite soldier. In the hands of one, the significant accuracy penalty can be negated enough by their skills to make the higher damage count. Unfortunately others such as yourself would be simply polluting the atmosphere without much of a chance of hitting anything.

Shotgun -- 3-9 dam, 20%(9-12), 5 bursts, short range, less damage against enemies in cover. The shotgun is a close-range, execution-style weapon that can technically be used by an infantry soldier but really shouldn't be. To be used effectively, they would have to be placed so close to the enemy that they would not survive long.

It is likely that you will be sticking with the standard options of assault rifle or carbine.

Last edited by Brian Swartz : 03-06-2015 at 01:57 AM.
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