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Old 03-28-2015, 10:34 PM   #65
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
During the feast that night, Christina is brought out from wedding prep to meet the nobility. Alzar introduces himself and they talk shop for a while. After seeing them together, the King asks Alzar to escort her to the town that evening, and he agrees to.

After the banquet, and once King Ericall leaves to do some further wedding preparations, Christina wants to head out to the dock district, with a lower reputation. Alzar asks Sandralane and Claransa to join him, but Claransa is already busy. The cleric joins him though.

They head out, and Christina wants to use potions of polymorphing she has to turn into old guys to check out the taverns. They agree, and turn head out to check out taverns and move. After a few minutes, a group of thieves, fighters, and a wizard move out to kidnap the queen-to-be.

Their wizard casts Power Word Stun on their target and she’s stunned. Their soldiers move in. Alzar casts Power Word Kill on their mage and she dies. Sandralane moves in front of Christina to body-block her, and keep away the 12 thieves/fighters as they move in and begin to attack,

Initiative. Alzar uses his Ring of Quick Action to ensure init winning. 3 vs 6, would have won anyway.
He casts Mass Domination. This will gain control of 2 HD per casting level – so up to 40 HD. His foes are all 9th level, so he can Dominate 4. They get saves, but at -4 for the spell (and -1 for his class). HE dominates….3 fighters and they turn and attack their allies. Sandralane maces a 4th for some damage. Some attack Sandralane or Alzar, and some attack the ones attacking them. Alzar takes 11 damage .

Alzar 63/74

2 vs 9. Alzar casts Mass Charm, with the same rules (can charm up to 40 HD, can charm monsters and persons, save gets -2 penalty, and no Wis bonus vs charm stuff either). 2 of 4 fighters fail their saves. They stop attacking. The other fighters, and Sandralane kill a figher. 4 thieves and 2 fighters are still attacking. They fail their morale and begin to break. As they flee, Alzar casts Time Stop and gets 2 free rounds.

He casts Black Tentacles at the legs of the thieves and fighters and then moves next to them. Time Stop ends, and the Tentacles grab at the folks, and then Alzar casts Finger of Death at a thief and he dies.

Init. 3 vs 1. They attack a few tentacles and Alzar, the only person in melee range, it hit once for 7 damage. Meanwhile Alzar Vampiric Touch and kills an adjunct thief. The others and the tentacles kill two more folks, and the last is dead next turn.

The party is killed or handled. The charmed ones surrender happily, and the dominated ones have no choice at all.

They find on the mage:

Ring of Regeneration
Wand of Fireballs – 12 charges
+1 dagger

Alzar gives the wand to Sandralane as payment for her assistance, and secures the other two for himself.

Sandralane dispels the Stun on Christina, and they return with their captured folks for the guards to interrogate.
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