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Old 04-02-2015, 01:08 AM   #78
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
April 1 -- Council Report.

The Council is 'extremely impressed', stating that our results were 'beyond their expectations' in March. On the panic front, India remains at Aqua Status, everyone else as Green except of course for the traitorous South Africans who are gone. Our monthly take from the Council nations is 67.6m(40.8 net after maintenance). We were given 50.1m during the month as rewards for various missions, a total of 117.6m income. Germany also contributed another scientist in exchange for continued satellite coverage. We're up to 17 researchers, but still stuck on 10 engineers.

Grade: A
Council Missions Completed: 1
UFOs Shot Down: 3
Abductions Stopped: 2
Research Projects Completed: 2
UFOs Raided: 2
UFOs Escaped: 1

We had six tactical operations in March, winning all of them and killing 50 of the enemy against only 1 loss for XCOM. If we can keep up that kind of ratio, I have to think we'll make progress in this war eventually. Certainly it's a good start. The number was 3 to 0 in terms of aircraft.


One new fighter(20m), a satellite(14m), and some more work excavating(1m) are our initial expenditures for April. There's more money that could be spent, but right now we are still waiting another week on the thermal generator before we can expand the base. At this point we have just under 12m in the Air War fund, nearly 29m in the general.

Dr. Shen took a moment to wax philosophical recently: 'From what little we've seen of their technology, if the aliens were intent on conquering Earth, there's not much we could do to stop them. I'm guessing they have something else in mind.' I'm not sure what could be worse than a full-on invasion, but I guess that's something we'll find out.


LCPL Lily Brodie -- 7
SPEC Su-Min Kim -- 5
SPEC Rebecca Burke -- 4
SPEC Brooke Carter -- 4
SPEC Esperanza Guerrero -- 4
SPEC Jace Hunter -- 4
SPEC Yolanda Pena -- 4
SPEC Thozama Khumalo -- 3
SPEC Coffee Warlord -- 3
SPEC Benton Gale -- 2
SPEC Path Twelve -- 2
SPEC Naomi Foster -- 1
PFC Stephen Garner -- 1
SPEC Eman Hodzic -- 1
SPEC Didier Keita -- 1
SPEC Courtney Mason -- 1
PFC Georgia Murdoch -- 1
SPEC Ches O'Peake -- 1
SPEC Eliana Soares -- 1

Brodie continues to lead the way. We have a few solid soldiers from the FOFC contingent, and also some that have contributed little. Two haven't even had a chance to get out there yet. XCOM overall has two lance corporals, 19 specialists, and nearly half check in as privates(20 of them). So there's been significant progress made in building up a critical mass of vaguely compentent soldiers, but much work remains to be done. Only the one injury to Russell remains. He'll be out another three weeks, but everyone else is ready to go at this point.

Gray Market

3 Sectoid Corpses -- 200k ea.(25 used for research, 12 traded)
4 Thin Man Corpses -- 300k
2 Drone Wrecks -- 200k
17 Elerium -- 500k
22 Alien Alloys -- 500k
43 Weapon Fragments -- 100k(5 used for research)
15 oz. MOG -- 700k
1 UFO Power Source -- 6m

Total Assets: 42.5m

Base Expansion

Here's the latest schematic of how things look down on the lower sublevels ...

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