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Old 04-02-2015, 01:18 PM   #677
High School Varsity
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Nashville
Just for confirmation that I'm reading the rules correctly, anyone have comments on this that I posted earlier:

Wait, you've said you're Illian but you can also channel AND you could be the Dragon Reborn? I'm fairly certain that makes you a male channeler. That means you are either the Dragon Reborn, a false Dragon, or Forsaken.

Now, of the Forsaken we know "...they were wielders of the Power in the days of Legend, capable of things that are no longer even imagined. They were sealed away when the Dark One was, but not so tightly, and before the Dark One escapes, they will. It is possible one walks the world right now, his abilities so far beyond those of the Aes Sedai that they could stand in front of him and not recognize him."

He's not Aes Sedai because his power would not have "random effects" as he has claimed. Aes Sedai belong to an Ajah which strictly defines their power. He also claims that it was he who switched the vote. That's a power that I can't see any role having outside the Aes Sedai and I don't even see an Ajah that could accomplish such a thing.

Combining the "random effects on anyone" with the ability to swap the vote, these sound like abilities "that are no longer even imagined...". I think Grover is Forsaken.
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