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Old 04-03-2015, 01:11 PM   #117
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
As the snows and winter drive down the work, a child has arrived in Evenarrow that wants to speak with Alzar. Cutter, who is around 8 years old, is escorted to Alzar in his throne room, and he comes from the small area around the lead mines that they have going in that area about 13 miles to the west.

While waiting for him to arrive, Alzar checks in and apparently taxes and such have just stopped coming in from the mines a few days ago.

Cutter greets the Count and tells him that he begged his family to allow him to come to Evenarrow.. This year, something has entered the area, and their animals, food, and ore have begun to rot and decay. A few weeks ago, monsters began to roam the countryside at night, and during the week of the new moon, they walked during the sub and many neighbors have died.

Alzar uses the Bright Barrier to Detect Lie on Cutter. Cutter tells him that when he was a baby, he was found on his family’s doorstep, and taken in. He wants to save the village and its area, and feels very close to folks, and he is immune to the animals, monsters, and anything else that has been happening. Only him, by himself, could reach court safely. All of those are truth as Cutter knows it.

The room grows dark and a chill wind lifts the wall hangings. Out of thin air a huge skull materializes and floats in front of you. The eye sockets are inky black, and water drips from the nose, ears, and mouth. As the water hits the floor, it turns to blood. A stench of damp rot fills the air. Then the skull speaks: "The blood of men grows pale and weak, The land rots while you search and seek. "A blight on earth for all to see, So civilization can never be. "The cure you seek is in your hand Even while you search the land. "No man can change this evil's course, Unless you seek the curse's source." Without a trace, the skull vanishes

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