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Old 04-03-2015, 09:09 PM   #978
Head Coach
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bath, ME
“In the Stone of Tear, soldiers stand guard around an inner room. Inside there is pillar upon pillar, but nothing moves, the room lit only by the glow of a crystal sword which hands in the center, seemingly suspended in air. Footsteps sound, and the guards move aside for the Lord Defender of the Stone, a Tairien lord. Behind him follows another lord of Tairen, the two closing the doors behind them as they enter. The men approach Callandor, stopping short of the invisible wards which surround it. Hesitantly, slowly, one puts out one hand and then curses as a flash of light stops him. As he stands and watches, an opening appears in the air beside him, and a traveler, a man of Ilian appears from within. The Ilianer steps through, the portal closing behind him. Shortly after, another portal opens and the Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah appears. The man’s form changes, the Ilianer disappearing and a tall dark haired man standing in his place, his face a mask of arrogance. Staring for one moment of frustration at the sword hanging before them, the Forsaken shakes his head and turns away. Opening the case, he shows it to the others. Reaching his hand inside, the Forsaken removes the Horn of Valere and holds it up, the relic glinting in the light of Callandor.”
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