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Old 04-04-2015, 07:54 PM   #12
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Michigan
There were many more trades, but I lost count. Regardless, here are your 2015 Philadelphia Flyers!


Steve Mason
Tim Thomas


Taylor Doherty (6'8", 238, 17 aggression, 15 hitting)
Mark Fraser (6'4", 220, 15 aggression, 15 hitting)
Matt Carkner (6'4", 241, 15 aggression, 14 hitting)
Derek Mathers (6'3", 231, 6 aggression, 8 hitting)
Jay Rosehill (6'3", 216, 15 aggression, 14 hitting)
Mike Weber (6'2", 211, 12 aggression, 18 hitting)
Nathan Patesch (6'1", 194, 14 aggression, 12 hitting)


Milan Lucic (6'4", 231, 15 aggression, 20 hitting)
Paul Bissonnette (6'3", 220, 15 aggression, 13 hitting)
Zach Stortini (6'3", 227, 16 aggression, 16 hitting)
Chris Thorburn (6'3", 229, 13 aggression, 16 hitting)
Cody McLeod (6'2", 209, 17 aggression, 16 hitting)
Wayne Simmonds (6'2", 183, 12 aggression, 15 hitting)
Chris Stewart (6'2", 227, 16 aggression, 16 hitting)
Scott Laughton (6'1", 191, 13 aggression, 13 hitting)
Matt Beleskey (6", 207, 12 aggression, 15 hitting)
Cal Clutterbuck (5'11", 207, 13 aggression, 19 hitting)
Cam Janssen (5'11", 209, 15 aggression, 17 hitting)
Zac Rinaldo (5'11", 185, 16 aggression, 20 hitting)
Joe Vitale (5'11", 205, 15 aggression, 15 hitting)

So as you can see we didn't quite hit our mark with our roster composition, but we're Euro free and we're full of piss and vinegar.
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