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Old 04-19-2015, 02:11 PM   #11
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Lisboa, ME

June 8, 1491
Mission Complete
Placate Saxony

Gain 5 Prestige (57)
Gain 25 Diplomatic Power

June 20, 1491
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Denmark to improve relations.

September 15, 1491
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Brunswick to improve relations.

November 19, 1491
A Marketplace is under construction in Friesland.

July 31, 1492
Lack of Protection
Our determination to embrace free trade has led to domestic merchants losing out to the rivals from other countries.
King Arnold II believes they need to adapt.
Lose 15 Diplomatic Power.

October 2, 1492
We have lost our claim on Anvers.

December 2, 1492
A Dock is under construction in Friesland.

December 10, 1492
Herald from Burgundy
Burgundy declared war upon their enemy England.

December 18, 1492
New Rivalry!
Norway has announced Gelre as their new rival.

May 5, 1493
Current Mission
Take Hollande!

October 3, 1493
Herald from Denmark
Diplomat Saelckink is coming home after maximizing relations with Denmark.

Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Savoy to improve relations.

January 14, 1494
Corrupt Bureaucracy
Bureaucracy sometimes just doesn't work. The wrong men in the wrong places can lead to corrupt practices which hurt the country's income. Even worse, it will take a few years to get the proper paperwork to change it.
Gelre gets 'Corrupt Bureaucracy' for five years, giving the following effects:
National Tax Modifier: -2.5%

July 31, 1494
Land Technology Research Useless
Several prominent men in our country are pointing out that the path we are going when it comes to army research is utterly foolish and will amount to nothing. They demand that we stop the current approach and stick with what was good enough for our fathers.
King Arnold II believes they have a point!
Lose 50 Military Power.

November 1, 1494
We have lost our Casus Belli with Trier and claim on Koblenz.

November 20, 1494
Genoa and Crimea have reached a peace agreement.

January 12, 1495
Casus Belli
We have gained the Trade Dispute Casus Belli against England.

June 14, 1495
Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to Poland to improve relations.

September 11, 1495
Economic Ideas Advance!
National Bank

By establishing a central authority for financial matters, we will have better control over our nation's economy.

Bonus Effect:
Yearly Inflation Reduction: +0.10

October 2, 1495
Trade Ideas Advance!
Trade Manipulation

At those key choke points where trade could go one way or another, the ability to gain an edge there is key to the growth of our trade income.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Steering: +25.0%
Caravan Power: +20.0%

German Ideas Advance!

German territories are grouped into regional circles. Their functions are keeping local peace with common forces, collecting the imperial taxes and coordinating opinions for the Imperial Diet and the Imperial Chamber Court.

Bonus Effect:
Diplomatic Reputation: +1.00

April 5, 1496
Herald from Savoy
Diplomat Gelkom is returning home after maximizing relations with Savoy.

A March is under construction in Gelre.
As a unique building it provides special bonuses.
Manpower Increase +500
Attrition for Enemies: +1.00
Local Defensiveness: +200.0%

May 19, 1496
The annexation of Münster has begun.

August 1, 1496
Cessation of Church Functions
Noble families were often granted control over church lands and appointments were made in many states in exchange for cash contributions to the crown's efforts. The crown, of course, lost control over some revenues this way in exchange for a short-term boost in revenue.
Gain 85.38 ducats (116.55)
Gelre gets 'Cessation of Church Functions' for 15 years, giving the following effects:
National Tax Modifier: -15.0%
Yearly Papal Influence: +0.50.

June 5, 1497
Integrating Münster
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.
Gelre gets 'Annexed Subjects' for 10 years, giving the following effect:
Diplomatic Reputation: -3.00
Gain 5.0 Prestige (53)

A Culture Accepted!
Our subjects who embrace Hannoverian have finally been able to prove their loyalty. So we are now accepting Hannoverian as an integral part of our nation. Their language and culture are a part of our national heritage.

Base Tax: 4.0
Production: Salt

Base Tax: 6.0
Production: Cloth

Temples are under construction in Osnbrück and Münster.

A look at our slowly expanding kingdom.

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