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Old 04-22-2015, 02:21 PM   #242
CU Tiger
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Backwoods, SC
Hey guys. Finally have 5 minutes to breathe.
The situation with my Uncle remains touch and go (though we have a glimmer of hope over the past 24 hours we didnt have before).
Saturday night we had a Pallative Care meeting with the docs and the family. During which his 85 year old mother (my grandmother) had a heart attack which resulted in rushing her by ambulance a couple blocks to the heart center.

For the past 3 days I have been by their side exclusively as I am med POA for both. Lucky me. Finally things stabilized a touch this morning and I was about loopy anyway. I escaped for a few hours just now and am heading to my son's track meet at 5 and my daughter's softball game at 7. I havent seen either since Saturday. As soon as we get home from those events (around 9:30 est) I will get my recruiting in.

I want to thank everyone and especially Kodos for having patience and working with me.

I'm emotionally...raw? this point. It has been a rollercoaster couple weeks. I'm the calm, grounding force in the family and Im doing well. Everyone else's emotional swings however are chipping me down.
Sorry for the vent here...I just started typing and diarrhea of the mouth just kind of flowed out.
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