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Old 04-27-2015, 03:43 PM   #1358
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
The time for lynching has come, and for once, you all seem certain of what you must do. Autumn's shocking murder of britrock the Cultist have given you confidence that he has the right of it. And he says to kill EagleFan.

As the lightning bugs begin to pop up in the surrounding bog, you all reach for EagleFan, who seems resigned to his fate.

You start to pull him toward the gator pool when a shout rises from the edge crowd.

"Wait!" MrBug708 strides forward. "You are killing the wrong man! Do not do this!"

You all feel swayed by MrBug708's persuasive argument.

One villager asks, "Who do you believe we should lynch then?"

MrBug708 looks around at the gathered villagers, looking carefully and directly at all. EagleFan, held between two villagers, looks on with a glimmer of hope.

"I believe you should lynch..." MrBug708 started, with a dramatic pause...

"...Eagle Fan!!"

The village is quiet. You can hear a pin drop.

One of the villagers stepped forward.

"Umm, well, we were already gonna do that," he said.

"Oh!" MrBug708 said. "Oh, very good then. Carry on."

The mob started up again, marching to gator pool.

The villagers on each of EagleFan's arms tensed at the edge, preparing to throw him in, as the well fed gators waited with hungry looks.

All of a sudden, EagleFan drops to the ground, suing his full body weight to break their hold on his arms. He sweeps the leg of one of his captors, and the villager falls into the gator pit with a cry. It was Narcizo!!

Narcizo's cries of pain echo throughout the swamp (was that a thank you??), as EagleFan leaps to his feet to make a run for the wilderness. But the village is ready for him. Autumn steps in his way and before EagleFan can react, Autumn's knife is hilt deep in his chest.

EagleFan stumbles to his knees, blood gurgling from his mouth. He has a quizzicle smile on his face.

"I failed," he coughed out. "My partner won't."

He keels over on his side, shudders and dies.

EAGLEFAN was the Brutal Wolf!! He was a Hunter with no Role!

NARCIZO was a Duke and Villager with no roles.

MRBUG708 is a Duke, and his Duke Lynching has been used up.


I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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