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Old 04-27-2015, 05:22 PM   #1387
Chief Rum
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Where Hip Hop lives
The village is tired of waiting. They have their man and they're looking to lynch him.

MrBug708, Shoveler and cheekimonk gather around Grover and prepare to throw him to the gators.

Just before they reach him, he reaches from behind him and brings out a Bullhorn!

He starts screaming into it, the sound of his voice overriding all other sound and thought.

The three lynchers-to-be stop, confused.

Grover says, "No, I will be the one to name the lynch today!"

The villagers pause uncertain what to do.

"The l-l-lynch-nch-nch... w-w-will-l b-b-b-be... umm... M-m-m-m-m ist-st-st...", Grover stammers. He swallows and tries again. He is again unintelligible.

The malaise on the other three has faded away and they look at each other. With a nod as one, they turn back to Grover.

They grab Grover and drag him to the gator pool. The three of them hold him down at the edge of the pool, ignoring his pleas for mercy and proclaimed innocence.

A great big reptile rises from the water, his maw open wide!

SNAP! The gator's jaws slam down around Grover's head. There is a sickening crunch and a rip and tear as the gator swallows Grover's head. The villagers roll Grover's headless corpse, spurting blood, into the swamp water.

GROVER was a Duke and Stuttering Sam! He was the FINAL Oil Profiteer!


I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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