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Old 04-27-2015, 05:46 PM   #134
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006

Dean Hoo and Benton Gale, congratulations are in order! You have both been promoted and may now select your next training option.

Dean Hoo is now a lance corporal of the gunner class.

** Close Combat: automatic reaction shot against any enemy that closes to within four tiles
** Low Profile: ability to use partial cover as if it was full cover.
** Executioner: +10 Aim and critical chance against enemies with half or less health

Commander's Recommendation -- None of these are fantastic for a gunner, all are of some use. I'd go with Low Profile. Gunners operate at a moderate distance from the enemy typically so close combat is of limited use, ditto with executioner for a suppression soldier who will not often be targeting such enemies.

Benton Gale, you are the first FOFC soldier to reach full corporal! Accordingly, you have been given the provisionary callsign of 'Sheriff'. You may change this is if you would like. Your training options:

** Extra Conditioning: Bonus health based on the armor being worn. The heavier the armor, the better the bonus.
** Low Profile: Use partial cover as full cover
** Battle Scanner: In addition to your normal item choices, you will bring a pair of battle scanners on any mission.

Commander's Recommendation: Battle scanners are a waste of your ability to fill the air with lead. There are no options here to increase your lethality. I think it is better to not get hit in the first place than it is to be able to take more punishment, though certainly there's something to be said for both. I recommend Low Profile, which will allow you to more often operate in relative safety and get your gun into the fight in situations like the clearings experienced in the last mission.

Dean Hoo and Benton Gale, you are on the clock. The Commander urgently requests a rapid decision if possible from Cpl. Gale. XCOM faces a high-priority mission, and due to the quick turnaround your services are desired despite having just returned from your last mission.
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