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Old 04-27-2015, 06:01 PM   #1409
High School Varsity
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: East Lothian, Scotland
Thanks for running the game, Chief - a really interesting ruleset, which made it a fun game to be part of

Definitely an eventful game for me - targeted by the Bully on night 1, choosing to protect fontisian for Day 2 (the thinking was that it would be a waste to not pick someone - all else being equal (and at the point in the game where we know very little about who the wolves are), the small chance of keeping someone alive is good for the village - and I may as well pick a strong/active player...) and all the fun and games that resulted from that, the bodyguard block (yes, I did get a PM saying that this had happened) and the almost inevitable getting shot down in broad daylight...
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