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Old 04-28-2015, 10:26 PM   #338
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
He passes guest houses and such, and then makes his way into the Frog Town section of the city. Here’s a very long copy and paste about it:

During the temple’s early days, some fur
traders wheedled permission to set up trading
posts along the southern shore of Frog Island
beneath the walls of the outer bailey Over
time, others came to these posts-drifters,
bawds, criminals on the run. They formed a
small community called Frog Town. As it
grew, Frog Town ceased to he a haven for
traders and became a nest of bandits who
preyed on the Duchy of Ten and the Barony
of the Lakes. When their many depredations
finally threatened to bring too much attention
to the temple and draw a punitive expedition
down on the monks’ heads, the order
The newly installed high priest, Saint
Stephen, led the monks and their armed lay
brothers in a surprise night attack on Frog
Town. Once they had control of the town,
they executed its leaders and worst bandits
(generally one and the same). The survivors
were brought under temple control, exercised
by an inner circle monk who served as its
“resident” and had veto power over all activity.
Thereafter, Frog Town became a dumping
ground for persons whose services were desired
by the temple, but whom it could scarce
enslave and did not want to recruit as lay
brothers. Now, it is little more than a labor
pool for the order, a kind of warehouse for
their hirelings. Most of the members of the
order’s slaving parties dwell in Frog Town. So
do the “swamp rats,” the hunters and fishermen
who provide the temple with fresh meat
and fish. Bawds, publicans, and a few slaves
round out the little town’s current population.
The residents of Frog Town are pretty
much left alone within the town, but they
can’t leave without permission. To ensure
that they abide by this restriction, they all
wear plastic collars containing miniature
transmitters similar to those worn by the
killer frogs. The collars emit a steady signal
showing the wearer’s location. The Frog
Towner’s collars also contain a self-destruct
feature that causes them to explode (doing 8-
32 points of damage to the wearer) if tampered
This and other indignities have spawned
much resentment in Frog Town. If given the
opportunity, at least half of the slavers and
most of the other residents would sack the
temple and win their freedom. For the
present, Frog Towners keep their mouths
shut and bide their time, hut, unless otherwise
noted, if the PCs reveal their true purpose
to a Frog Towner other than Ratty Tom
(1-28), there is a 50% chance that their confidant
will assist them and a 5% chance that he
will turn them in to the order.
Even if the players make no attempt to
raise Frog Town against the order, it is an excellent
place to gather information. During
the day, almost all of the residents are abed,
and no Froggies are visible. At night, the
place comes alive, and most Frog Towners
are at revel in one of the taverns or bawdy
houses. Since Frog Town boasts the only real
entertainment in the City of the Frog, most
off-duty Froggies below the rank of saint usually
end up there. None of the celebrating
Froggies speak of the temple’s lower
dungeon, but there is much “shop talk” on
other order-related matters.

Many of the dwellings here are in much lower disrepair and condition. There is a tavern and here a brothel, and then a low-quality gambling house. Slaver shacks and sheds, and shacks. As Alzar moves around, a man with an odd gait walks out of one of the stores and stares straight at him, and then he comes over and pulls Alzar into his den.

He introduces himself as Weewak, a cyborg who was created to destroy the Temple of the Frog and all of it’s technology. Alzar learns more about the Order of the Frog from Weewak. Their opposition, the Order of the Frog, is led by a man of resource and ambition. High Priest Saint Stephen and his four sainted companions appeared out of nowhere and took over the order five years ago. They now rule it with an iron hand. Though Stephen and his companions appear normal enough (except for the slight greenish cast of their skin), they are quite literally not of this world. They are aliens, members of a scientific expedition that crashlanded on this planet some years ago.

A minority, led by Security Officer Stephen (“the Rock”) Rocklin, argued that rescue was uncertain and that the crew might be forever trapped in their sealed hibernation chambers. This faction maintained that contact with the locals would be the key to survival if no rescue materialized. When the captain and chief science officer overruled them, Rocklin and his faction mutinied. their bid to take over the stranded ship failed, and a mere handful of them escaped in their lifeboat. As they sped away, a loyalist sent a Hellbore missile after them. Try as they might to evade the deadly seeker, it caught up with the lifeboat and knocked it down in Frog Swamp. That lifeboat is now a part of the Temple of the Frog.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-28-2015 at 11:01 PM.
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