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Old 05-01-2015, 06:06 PM   #27
Pro Starter
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Lisboa, ME

November 19, 1540

December 27, 1540
Herald from East Frisia
East Frisia has accepted the once in a lifetime opportunity to become our vassal. We now get half of their monthly income taxes.

February 4, 1541
Diplomat Gelkom has been sent to Brunswick to fabricate a claim on Braunschweig.

March 26, 1541
A Canal is under construction in Köln.

July 23, 1541
A Canal is under construction in Breda.

September 18, 1541
A Star Fort is under construction in Zeeland.

September 21, 1541
Casus Belli
We have gained the 'Conquest' Casus Belli against Oldenburg. They hold provinces that we have claims on.

January 7, 1542
A Spy Agency is under construction in Münster.

January 14, 1542
The Dutch Conquest of Oldenburg
The Stadtholder Lodewiijk has declared war on Oldenburg in an attempt to expand the border with The Hansa, increasing the likelihood of them attacking Netherlands.

Nüremburg and Brunswick are supporting Oldenburg in this war.

July 27, 1542
Siege Victory!
After 183 days we have won the siege of Oldenburg!

September 4, 1542
Siege Victory!
After 223 days we have won the siege of Braunschweig!

Diplomat Saelckink has been sent to France to improve relations.

A Spy Agency is under construction in Köln and Osnabrück.

A Counting House is under construction in Gelre.

September 19, 1542
Scandal at the Court
Sometimes a scandal would erupt in the royal court and would upset a monarch to the point where most diplomatic activity would come to a standstill until things quietened down a bit.
Stadtholder Lodewijk has taken the blame and moved on.
Lose 1 Stability (-2)

December 26, 1542
General Demands Control
Throughout the ages, war has often been the time when the rule of the many gave way to the rule of the few. Being aware of this, we are reluctant to make too many concessions in power to the military even now that our nation goes to battle.

A general who has been crucial in our successes so far, at least in his own version of events, is now in conflict with representatives of the republic on the future course of action. His military expertise is beyond question, but strong-arming Statists to go along with his plans would weaken their political position in Netherlands.

Stadtholder Lodewijk will hold on to the Republic's ideals, even in the face of terror!
Strengthen Statists by 10
Lose 2.50 war exhaustion
Gain 2 Republican Tradition

A Workshop is under construction in Zeeland.

January 23, 1543
Herald from Nuremburg
Nuremburg has accepted our generous peace offer on the following terms:
Nuremburg will pay 130 ducats.

January 28, 1543
Herald from Brunswick
Brunswick accepted our generous peace offer on the following terms:
We demand their full annexation.
Netherlands gains 3.0 Prestige (83)

Base Tax: 6.0
Production: Iron

We have spent 60 Administrative Power to turn Braunschweig into a core.

February 1, 1543
End of the Dutch Conquest of Oldenburg (January 14, 1542 – February 1, 1543)
Oldenburg has accepted our peace offer on the following terms:
We demand their full annexation.
Netherlands gains 1.5 Prestige (84)

Base Tax: 3.0
Production: Salt

We have spent 30 Administrative Power to turn Oldenburg into a core.

Quality Ideas Advance!
Copper Bottoms

Wood may be the ideal material for shipbuilding, but it has a tendency to deteriorate over time. By fitting our ships with copper sheathing below the waterline, we can reduce this deterioration, allowing them to better withstand long journeys.

Bonus Effect:
Naval Attrition: -25.0%

Diplomatic Technology Advance!
Wharf (12)

The great wharfs and jetties will act as entrepôts for the world's goods. Let us build them and prosperity will follow.

Bonus Effect:
Can now build Naval Equipment Manufactory.
Can now build Trade Company.

Counting Houses are under construction in Utrecht and Holland.

Come On You Irons!
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