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Old 05-06-2015, 03:55 PM   #594
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northern Suburbs of ATL
Originally Posted by FrogMan View Post
dang, didn't realize it's been two years since I last posted in here...

I started reading, then got swamped and stopped but all this time I kept receiving the notifications that you had updated the thread and I always meant to come back to read a bit more and follow your kids. I wasn't even sure if all three were still swimming, I only knew you had posted something so at least one was still into it. Great to see that all three are still very active and from what little I've read in the last page, all progressing nicely.

My son Matthew turned 11 in January and with it, entered the age group levels of competition, with preliminaries and finals at most meets. Before that, he was in what we call around here "Provincial Development" or with meets being done with only timed finals and no medals being awarded but ribbons given if a swimmer beat his previous best time in the event.

I don't even remember how deep I went about how it's done around here and I must admit, I probably knew VERY little about the world of swimming two years ago as he was only 9 and had almost two years of under age group swimming to do before the "real" meets would start.

I'm going back to read partly from the start and hopefully can come back and chat with you about your kids and were my son is now. I'll only say he's starting to give us goosebumps, dang I love seeing him swim.

With that tease, I'll go back to reading.

silly question that just occured to me, your pools are in yards, right? When you say "50 free" that's a 50 yards race, right?

I'm asking because our pools are in meters and I was mentally comparing times at about the same age between Matthew and Brett...



Hey FM,

Glad to see you're still reading, and your son is still swimming. I was wondering if he was still involved.

To answer your questions...when I say 50 if it is short course season then yes we are talking 50 yards. The kids swim in 25 yard pools so the 50 is 2 laps. When it is long course season we do 50 meter swims, as the pool is converted to Olympic length and 1 lap is 50 meters. So if you want to compare apples to apples look for long course times in the old write ups, or if you want, I can look up the results online and just post what Brett's times were at 11...

Last edited by Breeze : 05-06-2015 at 03:56 PM.
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