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Old 06-20-2015, 05:16 PM   #190
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Tampa, FL
Originally Posted by cuervo72 View Post
No, that's fine. It's absolutely their right. Like my in-laws - he was in the AF and has always had guns in his house. They did have a past home broken into years ago. And they're getting older. But I wonder what the sudden ramp-up seems to be. I know there are concerns about the constant work crews that are in their gated/guarded community, that they might scope out houses for them or their buddies and sack them later. But that's really nothing new.

Like I've said before, I can't see my 70-something MIL sitting with a gun in her lap while watching DWTS, at the ready in case an intruder comes in the house.

As for the prepper-style rations...who knows there. Probably terrorism fears. Maybe it's for when Obama does come for their guns and there's a civil war, who knows. But on the whole it just seems like there's this increasing paranoia that "they" are out to get them/us.

ETA: I guess the question is, where is this paranoia coming from *cough* Fox *cough* and what are folks stocking up for? I'm not saying they would, but I have to think there are some that while they're not looking to touch off something like this guy, might be willing to join in if something starts like they think it might.

Another vote for Fox News is influencing. I'm biased News a reflection of society or is society a reflection of biased news? We've (FOFC) had this discussion about Hollywood, Rap music, etc, for instance, so I'm curious how this plays out.

Last edited by Dutch : 06-20-2015 at 05:22 PM.
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