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Old 06-25-2015, 10:36 PM   #104
Pro Rookie
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Prairie du Sac, WI
Originally Posted by Dutch View Post
but it does say he wiped a $3.6B deficit left to him from the previous governor.

He likes to say he wiped it out but it's another instance of Walker moving the goalposts. My understanding of this may not be perfect but from the way I do understand it, the $3.6 billion deficit was based on an accrual accounting system instead of cash. During his campaign, Walker talked about using the accrual method of accounting, but once he realized he couldn't close the deficit based on the accrual method, the cash accounting method was once again good enough for him. Yet he'll still cite the $3.6 billion deficit that he closed (using two different accounting systems).

Doyle never had a cash deficit because Wisconsin has a balanced budget law. So really, Walker may have reduced the accrual deficit but he certainly hasn't wiped it out or even come close. But he likes to claim he did.
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