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Old 06-30-2015, 12:28 AM   #1083
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Reno
Originally Posted by Thomkal View Post
I don't do maps I was in a room with a big jade snake that animated when you walked in not too long. Sound familiar?

If so, that would mean that the room with a ? would be the altar room-two altars one white, one black. There were just ordinary people standing around and when I walked in I was told that I would have been attacked if evil (I will check tomorrow) then I would have been given the option to pray at them if I wasn't neutral. Dont know what the evil altar would do to a good person. So potentially a lucrative room or not. You could go whatever direction you need to next turn to get to the altars, meanwhile I can take a right and go to the trews. And then wait till you come in there with me.

Oh but maps are half the fun! If you feel like humoring me, any of the red numbered rooms you could describe? No worries, though, not that we'll be getting over there. I just like maps

Last edited by Ziiggy : 06-30-2015 at 02:06 AM. Reason: forgot the map!
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