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Old 08-04-2015, 12:52 AM   #12
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
**A brief word about how I'm going to do the write-ups for this. My normal method is to pause the action and write as things happen. That really doesn't work for this game because when it's paused, it goes to a separate pause screen and I can't see what's going on. So I'm taking a video of each day, and then I'll write what happened at the end of it. Otherwhise, I really wouldn't remember much worth talking about.**

A brief explanation of things would seem to be in order, there won't be a ton of screenshots for this thread but explaining things for those who don't/can't play -- there appear to be fewer of those than I expected based on the replies -- seems useful here.

First up, we must remember the obligatory national ... phoenix, or eagle, or other bird of prey, which signifies our great nation.

Play this game for more than a few minutes and you'll start chanting 'Glory to Arstotska' in your sleep or in the shower or to random strangers. And you'll feel completely normal about it.

This here is the main screen that I see after going to work every day. The strip covering basically the top third shows the checkpoint area. On the left there are the myriads of would-be immigrants, all in black, standing in an S-shaped line, then the wall and checkpoint-booth itself(where I work), and a path leading to another barricade where a single soldier, wearing blue from head to toe, stands watch. Past that is East Grestin itself naturally. On top of the booth, you can see the loudspeaker that I use to overly-enthusiastically shout 'Next!' when I'm ready for the next applicant.

The bottom two-thirds of the screen is a close-up of the inside of the checkpoint itself. As each applicant arrives, I state 'Papers, Please' in the most boring monotone of a voice I can muster. The left section there has, from top to bottom, what I can see of the person over the counter; the counter itself where they pass me documents; and then a few items of importance for me in the brown on the bottom. The time and date(it's 6:00 AM right now, which is when the checkpoint opens), holders for the daily bulletin, transcript, and regulation book, and then a scale readout if I need to check the applicant's weight.

Finally, on the right is the area where I'll look at the documentation in detail(on the right they are folded and miniaturized). I've got the regulation book open here to the map of the area, you can see Arstotska on the right(east) with our recent enemy Kochelia nearby, and also the nations of Obristan, Antegria, Republia, Impor, and the United Federation.
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