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Old 08-05-2015, 10:25 PM   #19
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Justin Guitar - Beginner Course Stage 5

-- New Chords - A7, D7, E7, D7 is very slightly slow for me to form, the other two are no problem.

-- One minute changes, goal is 60
- C7 to G7 - 52
- C7 to Fmaj7 - 60 exactly, hooray
- E7 to B7 - 55, good improvement from yesterday
- E7 to A7 - 74
- D7 to G7 - 55

Better on everything, will work more on this.

-- Rhythm Practice - A triplet strumming pattern w/ some suggested progressions to play 12 bar blues, neat, and good practice for all the 7th chords. 5 minutes of this.

-- Song Practice - I worked on an extremely simplified version of Eric Clapton's Before You Accuse Me.

-- Listening Practice - stage 2's practice on this, recognizing major vs minor chords, and figuring out specificaly what chord was played by ear. Made a couple mistakes here.


I played through Jeremy a couple times, some of it is sounding better but score didn't go up. There's another part I'll need to work on.

Janes Addiction - Jane Says - 32%

REM - The One I Love - 57% - Favorited, this one I think I should be able to do pretty easily.

Matchbox 20 - Unwell - 82% - Favorited, a couple things in here that are a pretty big stretch (physically, 2nd to 6th fret thingy), but I'll get this pretty soon too.

Tom Petty - Refugee - 46% - Ok on easier difficulty, needs work once it scales up. Not sure I get a whole lot new out of this so I'll just come back to it later.

Pretty tired tonight, that'll be all the practice I get in. Adding the two favorited songs to the list of things to learn.
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