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Old 08-06-2015, 10:54 PM   #25
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
Justin Guitar Beginner Course Stage 6

-- Finger Workout - 2 minutes. The strength/stretching exercise I've been doing the last few days.

-- Basic Picking Exercise - A new practice introduced to get used to picking individual strings. Since I still struggle heavily with quickly getting to an individual string I may as well do this. 3 minutes.

-- One Minute Changes - I'll just do a ton here I think and see how many I can get to 60 tonight.
- C7 to G7 - 62 (up from 52 yesterday)
- C7 to Fmaj7 - 71 up from 61
- E7 to B7 - 58 up from 55
- D7 to G7 - 61
New ones from this lesson:
F to C - 73
F to E - 62
F to D - 73
F to Am - 79
F to G - 76

Whew, that was a lot. Anything I got over 70 on I'll probably set aside, the others I'll keep working on.

-- Rhythm Practice - New Strumming Pattern, worked on for a few minutes.

-- Song Practice - Played Counting Crows - Mr Jones


Played Jeremy a couple times, worked on one thing I was still struggling with, I'm still getting 87-90% on it though.

I also improved Don't Look Back in Anger by Oasis to 89.2%, I don't get why this one isn't well over 90% by now actually. I wonder if I'm just not playing some of the chords cleanly, or if its a PC issue... I don't give Rocksmith exclusive audio right now, b/c I'm in voice chat with some buddies while I'm playing. I see people saying that can be enough to cause it to not pick up some things correctly sometimes. Gonna play this later after a reboot in exclusive audio, and we'll see.

Matchbox Twenty - How Far We've Come - 91% - Maybe a similar issue as the Oasis song here, but I got this sounding good enough that I'm quite happy with it. Moving it into the "yeah I can play this" category.

Green Day - American Idiot - Raised this from 72% to 77%. Some of it is just still a little too fast for me.

Smashing Pumpkins - Today - Another one on the favorites list, I got a 30% the first time but that was at a low difficulty. I played it at full difficulty/full speed here and got 63.7%. Most of the song is power chords and at a slower pace than American Idiot, I think I mentioned that before but forgot. Definitely need to finish learning this before going back to Green Day. I'm moving this "up the list" to work on more frequently.

REM - Everybody Hurts - The next song that involves playing individual strings and a picking pattern that I want to learn after Jeremy. I bump this up to 100% difficulty but that's too much, so I slow it down to 60% and just repeat the intro and part of the first verse over and over. I didn't try to play it through so no new score. I did figure out the pattern, its simple, just picking through a D chord and then a little pattern w/ a G chord, but I can't recognize that in full speed yet.

That's it for tonight. Definitely gonna screw around in exclusive mode after a reboot tomorrow and figure out how badly I'm hurting myself by giving other programs resources.
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