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Old 08-07-2015, 06:01 PM   #505
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Location: Dayton, OH
Originally Posted by JPhillips View Post
Well hell if you want to look at it like that public education began the slide to socialism.

That was a hot topic back in the day.

The point of contention is what is the role of government? We can go back to the Preamble of the Constitution and see how much has changed.

Every time we give up some of our freedoms and give that power to the government, we move farther down the path of socialism, in some way, shape, or form. Not all of these are bad, and some are essential, but to deny this is folly.

Some government is needed. I look at the role of government as an entity for the common good that cannot be provided by the individual. Settling legal disputes, that's a government function. Giving me a method to get to work? That's my job. Providing me roads to take to get there? Government. Health care? That is on me. Providing a means of communication? Government.

The sticky part about the Constitution is "promote the general welfare." We all have different ideas of what this means. Some want a larger role of government, the larger the role, the more socialized we are.
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