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Old 08-13-2015, 01:03 AM   #40
Brian Swartz
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: May 2006
Shift #10

Dressed completely in red, the inspector arrives before opening blurb.

"So. You are inspector here. That makes you my responsibility. You have received 15 citations. Perhaps it was mistake to rely on lottery. Let this motivate you. Hang it on wall here. I return in 10 days. Do not embarass me."

Seriously? After all I've done and risked, that's all you have to say?

"Glory to Arstotzka"

Oh, well that makes everything fine then.

A golden and white plaque has been given for me to hang. It states,

"Ministry of Admission. Recognition for Sufficience."

Sufficience? And I'm supposed to hang that and be motivated by it? If it wasn't for the fact that it hasn't been invented yet, I'd say he spent too much time at

Somehow I manage to overcome this insulting absurdity and get off to a decent start. At about 10 a woman comes in with the hubris to attempt immigration without a passport. I stifle my laughter long enough to deny her, but she didn't get the hint.

"No. I am not leaving."

"You are delaying the line."

The bars snap shut and I call for the guards.

"I refuse! You fools better to not touch me."

Your grasp of basic grammar is underwhelming.

"I will explode like wild tiger. I have every right to enter Arstotzka."

Oh for pete's sake ...

"You think I am joking but tiger does not joke. Let me through!"

No, I think you're a moron. She does indeed refuse to leave, but gets hit over the head with the butt of one of the guard's rifles, and is knocked out, then carried away. What a ridiculous waste of my time.


It is now 11, and only three processed so far. Being in a hurry, I fail to notice that the next lady does not have a valid point of issuance. Citation! Thanks to the divisional investigator I know now that this my sixteenth. A man tries to enter under a fake Arstotzkan ID, but this one doesn't get by me. Then an EZIC operative comes in, stating

"Our agents are ready. Starting tomorrow. Let them pass" and hands me more crap. GO AWAY!!


Savings -- 0
Salary(9) -- 45

Once again I am just too slow.

Rent -- -25
Food -- NA
Heat -- NA
Medicine(wife) -- -5
Medicine(son) -- -5
Medicine(mil) -- -5
Medicine(uncle) -- NA

Balance -- 5

Wife, son, and mother-in-law are all near death. By giving them medicine, I can't afford food or heat. If I don't give them medicine, they die of their illnesses. So it's really one of those lovely choices where there is no good option.

In the morning, my entire family is gone. All of them are dead. I could have saved my uncle probably by buying food, but the other three would have died anyway.

An official representative tells me that "The Ministry of Labor focuses on Arstotzka's future growth. Workers are expected to support large, healthy families."

On what you've been paying me! You couldn't, like, wait a day or two for bereavement here, glorious overlords!?!

"Your position will be filled by someone more appropriate."

"Glory to Arstotzka."

My response is censored.
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