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Old 09-25-2015, 12:18 PM   #5578
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: NJ
Seconded. The reason the tropes work in Lucha Underground, IMO at least, is because A) The guy who plays Dario Cueto is a real actor, and he's awesome. And B) They actually write their story out ahead of time and stick to it, so the payoffs actually deliver, unlike, say WWE, where they change their minds constantly.

That, and although it is based around wrestling, they're telling a story. Whereas WWE likes to think they're making movies, LU actually is a movie. Nothing was as awesome to me last year as the story of Angelico, Son Of Havoc and Ivellise overcoming the odds to win the trios title.

They know going in what's going to happen in the season, they build to it, and it all makes sense.
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