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Old 09-25-2015, 12:25 PM   #9
Join Date: Sep 2015
This is some background information on federations and how the game works/figures out results (both quick sim and normal speed). If you're interested in giving the alpha version of this game a try, send me a private message and I can try to get a copy to you by e-mail in the next week or so. I'll post the readme info on the game in a day or two. Right now, the game is in a stable and working state but starting in October again, I have a short checklist of features that I still want to add, along with some additional work on the default data (I'm not including real wrestler names or photos in the game, as you've probably noticed from the samples) and a few minor fixes to make.

Each federation has a couple of attributes/traits that they favor as far as their style goes. For this reason, during the game, the federation may choose what attribute or trait is going to control the round. How often this happens depends on the size of the federation. For example, a huge federation will be choosing their preferences fairly often during a match because they would have that kind of control over the action. On the other hand, a local federation would only be able to choose their preferences rarely during match because most of the wrestlers would have their own style and act pretty autonomously over a tiny fed like that.

A good example of this would be a Lucha-style Fed. If a hardcore-style wrestler (a chair swinging maniac type character) signed onto one of the major lucha federations, they would probably struggle because of the speed of the matches and the style of the competitors. However, in a smaller lucha federation, they might be able to overcome this - if they were skilled enough (if there's a better way to knock a diving wrestler off the top rope than to hit him with a chair, I don't know of it)

Each federation also has a hiring bias or favor. They may prefer 'Powerful' wrestlers or maybe they would rather have 'Charismatic' wrestlers. When hiring the federations will search for wrestlers that have strong scores in that trait or attribute.

Each federation also has an owner. This is a very limited role (there won't be any Authority or Good/Evil Boss storylines - too complicated to try and program and besides, wrestling needs less of that and more unseen Federation Presidents and Boards of Directors). However, the owner does take into account the character's reputation and reliability when deciding on title matches and occasionally may show up during a show.

Each federation can have as many singles and tag team titles as you choose. There's a recommended number for each size (and for a pretty good reason) but it is up to you whether you want to have more or less titles.

At the end of each month, each federation has specific rankings. Originally, this was a top ten but I changed it so all of the active competitors in the federation are listed.

Also, each wrestler has a specific federation level and alignment, so a wrestler can be basically have a huge losing streak in one federation, but when they shift over to a new federation, they could become one of the greats. Same with alignment - a wrestler can be hated in one region and be amazingly popular in another. (Note: this probably won't happen to this extreme during the game, as each wrestler has a starting alignment and a starting base which changes slightly when they sign with a new federation - however, in the beginning of the game, you may have a wrestler from a certain region that basically controls that federation)

So, a basic overview of how the game works (skip to the end of this, if you don't want to know)

1 Each match is set up in rounds and every round an attribute or two is selected - either at random - by the federation - or by one of the competitors.

2 This attribute/trait is added to a random number to give each wrestler a score.

3 The wrestler with the higher score deducts the endurance from the wrestler with the lower score.

4 A move usually shows up describing the action (It's 'Football Manager' style with highlights showing up along with the match time)

i.e. 1:23 The Stranger ducks under Samson's clothesline and delivers a rolling wheel kick!

5 When one wrestler (or team) reaches 0, the finish comes and the end of the match is described. It may end cleanly, it may end with some bad interference, or a DQ (the more important shows are designed to have cleaner finishes more often, though, while the throwaway shows will have more contested endings.

The short version - You press a button and the game simulates and describes the match all the way through the finish - then you can export the results or go on to the next match.
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