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Old 10-26-2015, 09:08 AM   #336
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Annapolis, Md
On this front, one of my takeaways is that pretty much every thought-out diet plan urges its followers to avoid massive sugar bombs, and to avoid highly processed foods (loaded with way too much sodium, preservatives, and other additives). I also think that people who are thoughtful enough to follow any given approach are more likely to be watching and reducing calories, even if they aren't obliged to do so under their program.

All told, I think a good deal of the positive outcomes on the weight/cardio front might come from those items, independent of the route taken to get there. Cut out the white bread baloney sandwiches and hot fudge sundaes, and it might not matter that much what you sub in for them, at least on those superficial levels.
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