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Old 11-23-2015, 05:48 AM   #5610
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2001
Okay, so is the main storyline in the WWE Roman Reigns vs. the Authority now?

That really makes no sense, as Reigns is the chosen one in this company, from the moment he stepped into the ring he was pegged as a future world champion. He was the 3rd best wrestler in the Shield. He was the 3rd best talker in the Shield, yet he was given all of their high spot moments. When they break up, he got the Shield outfit, the music and the entrance while Ambrose / Rollins had to recreate themselves.

He gets booed in most arenas because he's not OUR guy, he's THEIR guy. And somehow we're supposed to cheer him vs. the Authority now. I don't think so.

Also, Sheamus as the world champion. Hasn't the WWE noticed that they lost 20% of their viewership in this past year? Shouldn't they be trying something that will grow their viewership, instead of continuing to contract?

Watching stuff like this makes me glad that I've given up on the WWE, only watching the PPV's now.
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