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Old 11-23-2015, 09:38 PM   #5622
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Jan 2001
Originally Posted by Suicane75 View Post
They have under contract, Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, James Storm, Dean Amrose, Kevin Owens, Sammy Zayne, Uhaa Nation, Alberto Del Rio, A plethora of really solid tag teams in NXT, a plethora of fantastic women. The problem isn't depth. They are the number 1 company in the world by leaps and bounds and could have just about anyone they wanted wrestling on Monday Night from 8-11. The problem now, as it has been for the past 15 years, is a complete and utter lack of quality writing and booking, nothing more. The way they develop acts is retarded, their writing is retarded, the entire structure of the company from Vince on down, is retarded. That's the problem, not the amount of talent.


Look at Dean Ambrose, he gets the crowd energized. He has that anti-hero vibe to him, and yet he's never had the anti-authority storyline which would be completely natural. They give the anti-authority storyline to the chosen one who they have been shoving down our throats for the last year (unsuccessfully). That storyline is grassroots, we have to want the hero to punch the boss in the face. What we really want is to punch Vince in the face for shoving Roman Reigns down our throats. Those two storylines do not intersect successfully.

Yes they've been hit with injuries. But it's a physical sport and it happens. But if we're doing the football comparison, that would be like drafting one running back, not carrying any backups on the roster and rushing him 40 times a game. Eventually something is going to happen, and they weren't ready for it.

We all reminisce about the attitude era, well one of the things I remember from that era is that TONS of wrestlers were over and had storylines built around them. They had The Rock AND Stone Cold running hot at the same time without snuffing each other out. For the last 10 years it has been ONLY John Cena and the last year ONLY Roman Reigns (and Brock but he's really just a special guest and not truly a roster member).

It's possible to do this again today. Look at New Japan Pro Wrestling. They have Tanahashi, Styles, Nakamura and Okada all being #1 level. They are all super over and could all have a successful championship run at any time. Then you have a ton of guys that are upper midcarders that can put on super credible matches against the main eventers and sometimes win. You have Suzuki, Goto, Ishii, Shibata, Makabe and Ibushi that could all wrestle main event matches. These guys are all stars.

Build, don't tear down, and we'd be in a totally different situation today.
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